Corporate Gifting Done Right: Best Practices For 2023

Have you ever wanted to show appreciation to an employee or congratulate a client on their success? Corporate gifting is the perfect way to do that!

You may have heard the term “corporate gifting” before, but it’s more than just giving out gifts to employees and clients

Corporate gifting is when a company gives out gifts to its employees, clients, or customers. It’s a way to show appreciation and build stronger relationships. And guess what? It’s not just big companies that do it – even smaller businesses can get in on the fun.

It’s important to note that corporate gifting is typically given without any strings attached, just as a kind gesture. Plus, many businesses have their own policies in place for giving out gifts.

In this article, we’ll explore what corporate gifting is, why it’s important for businesses, and some things to consider when starting a corporate gift program. So sit tight, and let’s get into it!

What is corporate gifting?

Corporate gifting is a way for businesses to show appreciation and strengthen relationships with their clients, employees, and partners. It can be as simple as sending a thank you note or a small token of appreciation, or it can be a more elaborate and thoughtful gift.

The goal of corporate gifting is to build and maintain positive relationships, which can ultimately lead to increased customer loyalty and retention, improved employee morale, and stronger partnerships.

There are many different types of corporate gifts to choose from, ranging from practical items like office supplies and tech gadgets to more luxurious options like gift baskets or experiences.

It’s important to consider the recipient’s interests and preferences when choosing a gift, as well as the overall tone and message you want to convey. For example, a gift for a client might be more formal and professional, while a gift for an employee might be more personal and heartfelt.

Regardless of the type of gift, the most important aspect of corporate gifting is the thought and care that goes into it. A well-thought-out gift can go a long way in building and maintaining positive relationships, while a generic or impersonal gift might not have the same impact.

Why is corporate gifting important for businesses?

Corporate gifting is an important tool for businesses for a number of reasons.

Why is corporate gifting important for businesses?

Building and maintaining relationships

Corporate gifting is a great way to show appreciation and strengthen relationships with clients, employees, and partners.

A thoughtful gift can go a long way in building trust and goodwill, which can ultimately lead to increased customer loyalty and retention, improved employee morale, and stronger partnerships.

Whether it’s a small token of appreciation or a more elaborate gift, the thought, and care that goes into it can help to build and maintain positive relationships.

Whether it’s a small token of appreciation or a more elaborate gift, the thought, and care that goes into it can help to build and maintain positive relationships.

Corporate gifting can be a valuable investment for businesses looking to build and maintain strong relationships with their key stakeholders.

Boosting brand visibility

Corporate gifts can be a powerful marketing tool, helping to increase brand visibility and awareness. By giving a gift with your company’s logo or branding, you’re getting your name out there in a subtle yet effective way.

Every time the recipient uses or displays the gift, they’re essentially promoting your brand to their friends, colleagues, and anyone else who might see it. Additionally, corporate gifting can be a way to showcase your products or services.

By giving a gift that is related to your business, you can subtly promote what you do and what you have to offer.

Promoting your business

In addition to building relationships and boosting brand visibility, corporate gifting can also be a way to promote your business and its products or services. By giving a gift that is related to your business, you can subtly showcase what you do and what you have to offer.

This can be especially effective if you give a gift that is useful or practical, as it will likely be used and seen by the recipient on a regular basis.

For example, if you’re a tech company, you could give a gift like a branded mouse pad or phone case. This not only shows your appreciation, but it also gets your brand in front of the recipient on a regular basis.

Building team morale

Corporate gifting is a simple yet powerful way to show gratitude to the people who help your business succeed.

Whether it’s a client who has been with you for years or an employee who has gone above and beyond, a thoughtful gift can help to show your appreciation and make them feel valued.

By taking the time to select a gift that is meaningful and relevant to the recipient, you’re demonstrating that you care about them and their contribution to your business. Whether it’s a small token of appreciation or a more elaborate gift, showing gratitude through corporate gifting can help to build stronger relationships and foster a positive work environment.

When team members feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated in their work. This can help to improve employee satisfaction and encourage a culture of positivity within the team.

Overall, corporate gifting is an important tool for businesses of all sizes. It can help to build and maintain relationships, boost brand visibility, promote your business, and improve team morale.

Things to keep in mind when starting a corporate gift program

Starting a corporate gift program can be a great way to show appreciation and strengthen relationships with your clients, employees, and partners. But before you start shopping for gifts, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to revamp your existing program, these tips will help ensure your corporate gift program is a success.

Things to keep in mind when starting a corporate gift program

Gifting policies and strategies

When starting a corporate gift program, it’s important to have a clear gifting strategy and policies in place. This will help ensure that your gifting efforts are consistent, appropriate, and aligned with your business goals. Here are a few things to consider when developing your gifting strategy and policies:

  • Define your audience – Who will you be gifting to? Clients? Employees? Partners? It’s important to clearly define your audience so that you can tailor your gifts and message appropriately.
  • Set a budget – Determine how much you’re willing to spend on corporate gifting. This will help you narrow down your options and ensure that you’re not overspending.
  • Choose the right gifts – Consider the recipient’s interests and preferences when selecting gifts. Personalized gifts can be especially impactful, as they show that you’ve taken the time to really think about the recipient.
  • Establish gifting protocols – Determine who will be responsible for selecting and purchasing gifts, and establish any necessary approvals or guidelines.

By having a clear gifting strategy and policies in place, you’ll be able to effectively show appreciation and strengthen relationships through corporate gifting.

Follow compliance laws

SWhen starting a corporate gift program, it’s important to make sure you’re following all relevant compliance laws. This can vary depending on your location and industry, but there are a few common considerations to keep in mind.

First, consider any gift restrictions or limits that may be in place. Some countries and industries have laws that prohibit or limit the value of gifts that can be given or received. Make sure you understand any relevant laws and guidelines to ensure you’re complying with them.

Next, consider any potential conflicts of interest that might arise from your gift-giving. For example, you may want to avoid giving gifts to clients or partners who are in a position to make decisions that could benefit your business. It’s important to be transparent and ethical in your gift-giving to ensure you’re not creating any conflicts of interest.

Finally, make sure you keep accurate records of all gifts given and received. This can help ensure compliance and avoid any potential issues down the line.

Overall, it’s important to do your due diligence and make sure you’re following all relevant compliance laws when starting a corporate gift program.

Think about tax implications

It’s important to keep in mind the tax implications that may come with it. In general, gifts given to clients, employees, and partners are tax-free as long as they meet certain criteria.

According to the Indian Income Tax Act, gifts of up to INR 50,000 per year per person are tax-free as long as they are not in cash or in the form of a gift voucher. However, if the gift exceeds this amount or is given in the form of cash or a gift voucher, it may be subject to tax.

In addition to these rules, there are also certain types of gifts that are always tax-free, regardless of the amount. These include gifts of tangible goods that are not consumable (such as office equipment), gifts given on the occasion of a marriage or a religious festival, and gifts given to charitable organizations.

It’s worth noting that these rules are subject to change, so it’s always a good idea to stay up to date on the latest tax laws and guidelines. By keeping these tax implications in mind, you can ensure that your corporate gift program is both thoughtful and tax-compliant.

Client restrictions

Some clients may have strict guidelines around what they can and can’t accept in terms of gifts or may have their own company policies in place. It’s essential to be mindful of these restrictions and to always err on the side of caution when it comes to gifting.

One way to ensure you’re in compliance is to have a clear gifting policy in place for your own business. This can help to set guidelines and expectations for your team and ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to gifting.

It’s also a good idea to ask clients about their gifting policies or any specific restrictions they may have. This can help to avoid any misunderstandings or potential issues down the road. And, if in doubt, it’s always a good idea to go with a more generic or universally acceptable gift, like a gift card or a basket of gourmet snacks.

Don’t overlook religious, regional, and social customs

It’s important to understand the religious, regional, and social contours of gifting in order to avoid any misunderstandings or offense. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Religious considerations – Different religions have different customs and traditions when it comes to gifting. For example, In India, there are many different religions represented, each with its own customs and traditions. Hindus may avoid beef-based products as a gift, while Muslims may avoid pork-based products. It’s important to be mindful of these customs and traditions when choosing a gift.
  • Regional considerations – Different regions have different customs and traditions when it comes to gifting as well. It’s important to be aware of these cultural differences and choose a gift that is appropriate for the region. For example, in some regions, it may be customary to give a gift of sweets or savory snacks, while in other regions, a gift of clothing or jewelry may be more appropriate.
  • Social considerations – It’s also important to consider the social context of gifting. For example, a gift that is appropriate for a colleague may not be appropriate for a client. It’s crucial to be mindful of the relationship you have with the recipient and choose a gift that is appropriate for that context. For example, a gift of flowers may be appropriate for a colleague or a close friend, but may not be appropriate for a client or business partner.

By understanding the religious, regional, and social contours of gifting, you can ensure that your corporate gift program avoids any misunderstandings or offenses.

Corporate gifting best practices

When starting a corporate gift program, there are a few best practices you should keep in mind to ensure it’s a success.

Corporate gifting best practices

Set a budget

When starting a corporate gift program, it’s important to set a budget to ensure you can plan accordingly and avoid overspending. Here are a few tips to help you determine the right budget for your program:

  • Consider your overall goals – What do you hope to achieve with your corporate gift program? Are you looking to build stronger relationships with clients, improve employee morale, or promote your business? Knowing your goals can help you determine how much you’re willing to spend.
  • Think about your audience – Who will be receiving the gifts? Clients, employees, partners, or a combination of all three? Knowing your audience will help you choose appropriate gifts and determine how much you’re willing to spend.
  • Determine your budget per gift – Once you know your overall budget and audience, you can determine how much you can afford to spend per gift. This will help you choose gifts that are within your budget and avoid overspending.
  • Allocate your budget wisely – Make sure you allocate your budget wisely and consider the potential return on investment. For example, if you’re giving gifts to clients, you may want to allocate more of your budget towards higher-value gifts that can help drive sales.

Understand your audience

As with everything else, it’s important to know your audience and consider their preferences when choosing gifts. After all, the goal of corporate gifting is to build and maintain positive relationships, so it’s crucial to choose gifts that are meaningful and appreciated by the recipient.

Here are a few things to consider when it comes to knowing your audience:

  • Demographics – Consider the age, gender, and other demographics of the people you’re giving gifts to. This can help you choose gifts that are more likely to appeal to them.
  • Interests – Think about the interests and hobbies of the people you’re giving gifts to. This can help you choose gifts that are more tailored to their preferences.
  • Personalization – Adding a personal touch, like a handwritten note or a gift that’s tailored to the recipient’s interests, can go a long way in showing appreciation and building relationships.
  • Professional context – If you’re giving gifts to clients or business partners, consider the professional context in which the gift will be received. You may want to choose something more formal and professional, rather than something more personal or casual.

By considering these factors and really getting to know your audience, you can choose gifts that are meaningful and appreciated, ultimately helping to build and maintain positive relationships.

Don’t go over the top

It’s important to strike a balance when starting a corporate gift program. While it’s important to show appreciation and strengthen relationships with your clients, employees, and partners, it’s also important not to go overboard.

While it’s important to show appreciation, it’s also important not to overdo it. Consider the appropriate frequency for giving gifts and avoid giving too many gifts in a short period of time.

It’s also important to consider the appropriateness of the gift. Think about the recipient and their preferences, as well as the overall tone and message you want to convey.

Don’t forget the thought. Ultimately, it’s the thought that counts when it comes to corporate gifting. So, even if you’re working with a limited budget, a well-thought-out and personalized gift can be more impactful than an extravagant gift that lacks thought and care.

Avoid promotional elements

It’s important to avoid making the gift feel too promotional. While corporate gifting can be a powerful marketing tool, the primary goal should be to show appreciation and strengthen relationships, not to hard sell your products or services.

Here are a few things to keep in mind to avoid making your gifts feel too promotional:

  • Avoid obvious branding – While it’s fine to include your company’s logo or branding on the gift, avoid making it the main focus. A subtle approach is often more effective and less off-putting.
  • Choose gifts that are relevant to your business – While it’s important to avoid making your gifts feel too promotional, it’s also important to choose gifts that are relevant to your business. For example, if you’re a tech company, a tech-related gift like a branded mouse pad or phone case can be a good choice.
  • Don’t push your products or services – While it’s fine to include informational materials or samples of your products or services with the gift, avoid pushing your products or services too hard. The goal of corporate gifting is to show appreciation and strengthen relationships, not to hard sell.

When is the right time to gift?

So, you’re thinking about starting a corporate gift program but you’re not sure when the right time is? Well, the truth is that there’s no wrong time to start a corporate gift program.

This is a topic worthy of its own article, but in brief, whether you’re a small business just starting out or a larger organization looking to revamp your existing program, there are always opportunities to show appreciation and strengthen relationships through corporate gifting.

That being said, there are certain times that might be more appropriate for starting a corporate gift program. For example, if you’re a new business, you might want to consider starting a corporate gift program as a way to introduce yourself to clients and partners.

Alternatively, if you’re an established business looking to improve customer loyalty and retention, a corporate gift program can be a great way to show appreciation and strengthen relationships.

Other scenarios where corporate gifting is appropriate include celebrating milestones, welcoming new recruits or clients, festive seasons, and other special events.

Ultimately, the right time to start a corporate gift program will depend on your specific goals and needs. With a little planning and thought, you can create a successful program that helps to build and maintain positive relationships with your clients, employees, and partners.

Challenges that businesses face during corporate gifting

While corporate gifting is mostly fun and games, there are a number of challenges that businesses may face when it comes to corporate gifting. Here are a few common challenges:

Challenges that businesses face during corporate gifting

The gift is not personalized

One of the challenges that businesses may face during corporate gifting is that the gift is not personal enough. When giving a gift, it’s important to consider the recipient’s interests and preferences and try to tailor the gift accordingly. A gift that is too generic or impersonal may not have the same impact as a gift that is well-thought-out and personalized.

This can be especially challenging if you’re giving gifts to a large group or if you don’t know the recipient well. In these cases, it can be tempting to go with a more generic gift that will appeal to a wider audience. However, this can often lead to a lack of personalization, which can impact the effectiveness of the gift.

A well-thought-out and personalized gift can go a long way in building and maintaining positive relationships, even if it’s not the most extravagant gift .If you’re facing the challenge of personalized gifts for a large group or for people you don’t know well, do some research and try to put some thought and care into the gift selection process to ensure it has the desired impact.

The timing isn’t right

Another challenge that businesses can face when it comes to corporate gifting is timing. It can be difficult to determine the right time to give a gift, whether it’s to celebrate a milestone or simply to show appreciation. If the timing isn’t right, the gift may not have the intended impact.

For example, if you give a gift to celebrate a client’s anniversary with your company, but they’re in the midst of a crisis or dealing with a personal issue, the gift may not be well received. On the other hand, if you wait too long to give a gift, the recipient may feel like the gesture is too little, too late.

It’s important to consider the timing when giving corporate gifts, as it can greatly impact the reception and effectiveness of the gift. It’s also important to be mindful of cultural and personal differences, as what may be appropriate in one context may not be in another.

Messaging is impersonal

Impersonal messaging is another challenge that businesses can face when it comes to corporate gifting. This can happen when the gift is chosen without considering the recipient’s interests or preferences, or when the gift is accompanied by a generic or impersonal message. This can lead to the gift feeling insincere or lacking in thought and care.

This is a common problem when businesses try to mass-produce gifts or when they rely on pre-made gift baskets or gift sets. While these types of gifts can be convenient, they often lack the personal touch that can make a gift feel truly special.

To avoid this challenge, it’s important for businesses to put thought and care into the gifts they give and the messaging that accompanies them. This can mean choosing gifts that are tailored to the recipient’s interests or preferences or adding a personal touch like a handwritten note.

By doing so, businesses can ensure that their corporate gifts are meaningful and appreciated and that they help to build and maintain positive relationships.

Generic gifts

Another challenge is the temptation to give generic gifts. It’s easy to fall into the trap of choosing gifts that are easy and convenient, like gift cards or branded merchandise, without considering the recipient’s interests and preferences.

While these gifts may be appreciated, they often lack the personal touch and thoughtfulness that can really make a difference in building and maintaining relationships.

Another challenge with generic gifts is that they can be seen as impersonal and lacking in effort. While it’s important to consider budget and convenience, it’s also important to put some thought and effort into the gift to show that you value and appreciate the recipient.

Ultimately, the key to overcoming the challenge of generic gifts is to put some thought and effort into the gift selection process. Consider the recipient’s interests and preferences, and look for gifts that are personalized and meaningful.

By putting in the extra effort, you can ensure your corporate gifts are well-received and help to strengthen relationships.

Pressures from administration

Coordinating the sourcing, purchasing, and distribution of gifts can be a time-consuming and complex process, especially if you have a large number of clients, employees, or partners. The administrative burden can be particularly challenging for small businesses that may have limited resources or staff to handle the extra work.

Managing the administrative tasks involved in corporate gifting can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t have a dedicated team or system in place.

It can be easy to get overwhelmed with the details, such as keeping track of gift lists, budgeting, and ensuring timely delivery. Additionally, you may need to coordinate with multiple departments or stakeholders, which can add to the complexity of the process.

It’s important to have a well-organized and efficient system in place to ensure the process runs smoothly and doesn’t become a burden.

Language and cultural barriers

Language barriers can be a challenge for businesses when it comes to corporate gifting. If you have clients or partners who speak a different language, it can be difficult to communicate and express your appreciation in a meaningful way. This can be especially challenging if you’re sending a gift that includes a handwritten note or other written materials.

In addition to communication challenges, there may also be cultural differences to consider. What may be seen as a thoughtful and appropriate gift in one culture may not be well-received in another. This can make it difficult to find a gift that is both appropriate and meaningful to the recipient.

Language and cultural barriers can also make it difficult to personalize your gifts, as you may not have the same level of insight into the recipient’s preferences and interests. This can make it challenging to choose a gift that truly shows your appreciation and builds a positive relationship.

With careful consideration and thoughtful planning, it’s possible to overcome these challenges and find a way to show appreciation and build positive relationships despite these barriers.

Eliminate corporate gifting challenges with Swageazy

If you’re a business looking for a solution to the challenges of corporate gifting, look no further than Swageazy. We’re here to help you every step of the way, whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to customize a pre-made pack.

Eliminate corporate gifting challenges with Swageazy

We offer a direct and transparent service. You can chat with a designer from our company and share your logo, and our designer will sit with you to create a mockup that you can customize from scratch. This allows you to create a gift that is truly personalized and tailored to your needs.

Another great thing about Swageazy is that we eliminate the need for a middleman. This means you can enjoy direct and transparent pricing, without any added fees or markups.

In short, Swageazy is the solution to all your corporate gifting needs. From helping you pick out products to offering personalized design services and transparent pricing, we’ve got you covered.

If you want to take your corporate gifting to the next level, reach out to us and give Swageazy a try.

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